These are the EXACT color of the walls in my room, so once I clean off the putz and put in some tea lights, they'll look great.
Some leaf pins. No idea what to do with them yet, but when inspiration strikes I'll let ya know. =P
Okay, these were my favorite finds of the day. Some old Avon earrings, a door knocker, angel wings, and some other funky charms cost me about $1.5o. You probably can't tell, but the pendant says "5th: Thou Shall Not Kill." Probably my favorite commandment of them all! I'm planning on using these as charms on a felt heart wreath I'm working on.
Also at the garage sale I got 52 alphabet stamps, as well as some fasteners and safety pins and other boring doodads that you probably don't need to see pictures of.
That's it for now, happy crafting!