Friday, January 22, 2010

New Project

So, while I was at school I was a little over-ambitious, and promised all of my friends that I'd make them stuffed animals! This is 1 out of 7 completed. I made this for my friend Lizzy. I still need to add some horns and then put a little bow over the ear I messed up but was too lazy to fix

(See the ear? This darn fabric frayed) Speaking of fabric, the burlap fabric is from an old scarecrow costume, the felt is recycled from a giraffe costume that I made for myself in 10th grade, and the flower fabric is from my grandma's stash. Cost? Free!


  1. Cute!! You could open an Etsy shop selling homemade toys, ya know?

  2. Thanks! I've always thought about doing that, but I just don't have time with school =/
